Friday, 19 December 2014

Benefit Of Doubt ?

She ran through the dark alley and stopped for breath. It was around 1:00 a.m. Her cellphone was dead and she didn't know whom to contact. The only thing running through her mind was whether she would be alive tomorrow. Whether she would be able to live a peaceful,happy life like she had always imagined. Right now her life was at stake and little did she know what was in store for her. After collecting her thoughts,she decided to take the subway to 49 Wellington street. Perhaps she'd be able to find someone who could help her there?

She heard the footsteps approaching her. It got louder with every passing moment. With her heart in her throat,she mustered up the courage to start running again. Her heels were aching. She was exhausted after a long day at work. She only wished she had left her workplace a little earlier with her peers. She wouldn't have to go through this ordeal then. As she began to lift her bags off the ground,she saw the shadow of a man being cast on the wall. He was well-built.There was no way she would be able to fight him. She had lost all hope and was pretty sure this was going to be her last day.

He  paced forward. She kept moving away. He had a bewildered look on his face. He finally broke the deafening silence."Madam, I suppose this is your purse?You dropped it on the way."

As unlikely as this might seem in the real world,I think sometimes,just sometimes, we need to keep an open mind and look beyond what we really see.The world might not be that bad a place after all.

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