Monday, 27 March 2017


Of late, I've been feeling seemingly discontent and uneasy . I have no idea why. I have this desperate urge to get back to you and relive the good times which now seem like a decade ago. I miss watching you, always standing  still with such unfathomable ease, leaving me awestruck and  making me wonder how that's remotely possible. You give me the impression that you haven't had  a single trouble in the world. Neither do you hold any grudges against anyone, despite the harm they've caused you. However, I have seen you cry tears of joy and sorrow in all your might. These beautiful tear drops rolling down your polished white skin are not only appealing to my eyes, but also provide me and a lot of others with strong respite.

I do appreciate your majestic stature, which is pretty intimidating and soothing at the same time. I love how you have the innate ability of carrying everyone's burden. Just like superman. Better than him actually. No matter how everyone treats you, you're always so calm and relentlessly happy. Notwithstanding the fact that we end up dumping anything and everything on your shoulders, you brush it away, knowing your true worth. I think I adore you more than you can even imagine. I have irrevocably fallen in love with you. I just hope you're strong enough to face this predicament, for all tragedies do come to an end. In the meanwhile, we're doing all that we can to save you.

Yours lovingly,
Your faithful companion,

P.S- Do your best to save the HIMALAYAS. It is home to a number of villages which solely depend on river water for survival. The rampant rate at which it is  being littered is not only scary but heart wrenching. Be a responsible citizen and trekker.
 I witnessed this myself  a month ago. Here are pictures which prove its plight..

Beautiful from a distance right?

This is what it's like, in reality...


  1. Our fate is in our hands... Once mother nature is disturbed only calamity will prevail !! #StopCruelty

  2. Amazing Varuna, well done :-D

  3. I envy you got to witness the beauty and silence the place must hold.
    And it is horrible people litter even there! It's so very sad.

    1. It was amazing Manisha! so surreal
      And yes, it's pathetic :/
